Embryo adoption offers hope to those who are struggling to start a family.

What is embryo adoption?

Individuals who have undergone In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) may have additional frozen embryos that they no longer intend to use. Using an informed consent agreement or contract, they can legally agree to release these frozen embryos to couples who are experiencing infertility.

In this case, a donated embryo is transferred to the womb of the adoptive mother, and in the event of a successful pregnancy, the adoptive parents claim all legal right and responsibility for their new son or daughter. While the adoptive parents can remain anonymous in this type of adoption, they are still required to complete a home study.

Idaho Youth Ranch Adoptions Specialists have specialized training in completing embryo adoption home studies, and in addition to offering referrals to established reproductive clinics, our team is here to offer education, consultation, advocacy, and on-going support for all types of adoptive parents.


To contact an Idaho Youth Ranch Adoptions Specialist:

Call (208) 667-1898 (daytime)

(208) 818-6124 (after hours)


Fill out the form to start the conversation