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Teen depression is a surprisingly common issue, affecting over 3 million teens in the U.S. each year. However, it often goes undiagnosed and untreated due to the stigma surrounding mental illness. As a parent, arming yourself with information is the first step to getting your child the needed help. This comprehensive guide will provide an in-depth look at teen depression, including its causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options. You’ll also find tips on supporting your depressed teen at home while they heal. 

The teen depression crisis is evident right here in Idaho. According to recent data, 12.6% of Idaho children ages 3–17 suffered from anxiety or depression in 2020, up from 11.4% in 2016. The situation for teens is even more dire, with 20.1% of Idaho adolescents ages 12–17 reporting a major depressive episode in 2021.

At the local level, a 2022 survey conducted in the Boise School District uncovered alarming rates of depression among students, with 30% of junior high and a staggering 44% of high school students experiencing moderate to severe depression. Teen mental health is an escalating issue in our state that demands immediate attention and action. 


What is teen depression?

Teen depression, also called adolescent depression or clinical depression, is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, and loss of interest in activities. 
Depression can range from mild to severe. Mild cases, while disruptive, allow the teen to continue functioning day-to-day. Severe or major depression is much more debilitating, significantly impacting the teen’s ability to perform daily tasks. 

Depression is not the same as typical adolescent moodiness. While ups and downs are normal during puberty’s transitional period, depression is marked by prolonged dysphoria not tied to a specific event. Depressed teens may appear emotionally “flat” rather than angry, sullen, or upset. 
Depression often co-occurs with other mental health issues like anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse. This is known as comorbidity. 

Depression is not the same as typical adolescent moodiness. While ups and downs are normal during puberty’s transitional period, depression is marked by prolonged dysphoria not tied to a specific event.


Symptoms of Teen Depression 

Symptoms of Teen Depression

Depression affects each teen differently. Some symptoms parents should look for include: 

  • Persistent sadness, hopelessness, or irritability 

  • Withdrawing from friends and activities 

  • Fatigue and lack of energy 

  • Sleep disturbances (sleeping too much or too little) 

  • Changes in appetite (significant weight loss or gain) 

  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt 

  • Inability to focus or make decisions 

  • Thoughts of death or suicide

  • Self-harm behaviors 

Moodiness and irritability are normal during adolescence, but if these symptoms persist for two weeks or more, it may indicate depression. Don’t dismiss what could be serious mental health issues as simply “teenage behavior.” Look for sudden changes in your teen’s emotional state or personality. 

Causes and Contributing Factors 

Causes and Contributing Factors

Teen depression doesn’t have one definitive cause. Often, biological, psychological, and environmental factors are at play. Potential causes and risk factors include: 

  • Family history of depression or other mood disorders 

  • Trauma from abuse, violence, grief, or loss 

  • Significant life changes like divorce, moving, or switching schools 

  • Social isolation, bullying, or exclusion 

  • Low self-esteem or negative thought patterns 

  • Substance abuse 

  • Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse 

  • Chronic illness, pain, or disability 

Hormonal changes during puberty can also increase vulnerability to developing depression. 

For teens already predisposed to depression, stressful life events often act as tipping points. Even small daily stresses can accumulate and become overwhelming. 

Don’t dismiss what could be serious mental health issues as simply “teenage behavior.” Be on the lookout for sudden changes in your teen’s emotional state or personality. 

Risk Factors for Teen Depression 

Risk Factors for Teen Depression

While teen depression can strike any family, certain factors put teens at an increased risk. Those at highest risk for depression include teens who are: 

  • Female: Teen girls are 2–3 times more likely to develop depression than boys. This gap narrows in adulthood. 

  • LGBTQ: LGBTQ teens face greater social isolation, discrimination, and trauma, increasing depression risk. 

  • Living with a chronic illness: Coping with chronic pain, disability, or health issues increases vulnerability. 

  • Having a family history of depression: Teens whose parents or siblings have depression are at higher risk of developing it themselves, suggesting a potential genetic link.

  • Experiencing trauma: Teens who endure traumatic events like abuse, assault, grief, or extreme stress have a higher likelihood of depression.

  • Going through major life changes: School transfers, family moves, divorce, and other upheavals increase vulnerability.

  • Having learning disorders: Teens with ADHD, dyslexia, or other learning struggles often develop “secondary” depression.

  • Using drugs and alcohol: Substance use worsens mood disorders and depresses the central nervous system.

  • Exhibiting self-destructive behavior: Teens who self-harm have a greater tendency toward depression and suicide.

  • Facing social struggles: Social isolation, bullying, and poor self-esteem are linked to increased depression risk. 

If your teen falls into any of these high-risk categories, be especially watchful for any potential symptoms of depression. Keep communication open and be proactive about getting them help early. 

Diagnosing Teen Depression

Diagnosing Teen Depression

If your child exhibits potential warning signs, the first step is to schedule a complete medical exam to rule out any underlying physical illness. Symptoms like fatigue or appetite changes can stem from thyroid dysfunction, anemia, sleep apnea, or other medical problems.

Once any physical illness is ruled out, the next step is a psychological evaluation with a licensed mental health professional. The doctor will evaluate your teen’s symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns to determine if clinical depression is present. 
Be prepared to answer questions about your child’s medical history, family history, school experiences, social life, and home environment. The information you provide can help identify potential risk factors. 

In many cases, depression screenings are conducted at school. Teachers are often the first to suspect issues like learning struggles, peer isolation, or sudden disinterest in school. Make sure to follow up if the school contacts you with any concerns about your child’s mental health. 

If your teen says they are considering suicide, take it seriously. Call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for 24/7 assistance.

Seek immediate psychiatric help to keep your child safe. 

Warning Signs of Suicide Risk 

Warning Signs of Suicide Risk

Untreated depression is one of the leading causes of suicide in teens. That’s why suicide risk assessment is a routine part of any depression evaluation. Warning signs include: 

  • Withdrawing from family and friends 

  • Personality changes, especially increased apathy 

  • Giving away prized possessions 

  • Saying goodbye as if they won’t see someone again 

  • Making a will or other final arrangements 

  • Statements about hopelessness, guilt, or feeling trapped 

  • Preoccupation with death in conversation, writing, drawing 

Most suicidal teens will show obvious warning signs. That’s why parents must keep the lines of communication open. Listen without judgment and ask direct questions if you notice any red flags. 

If your teen says they are considering suicide, take it seriously. Call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for 24/7 assistance. Seek immediate psychiatric help to keep your child safe. 

Treatment Options for Depression in Teens 

Treatment Options for Depression in Teens

If a teen is diagnosed with depression, prompt treatment is critical. The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be. Left untreated, teen depression can lead to more significant issues down the road, including drug abuse and suicide. 

Today, 80% of teens with depression respond positively to treatment. Most therapists today use a combination of approaches tailored to the individual teen. Cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy are two research-backed options. 

As a parent, you must encourage consistency with any prescribed treatment plans. Ensure your teen takes any prescribed medication as directed and attends therapy sessions. Consistency is key; skipping treatment worsens symptoms and undermines progress. 

The sooner treatment begins, the more effective it will be. Left untreated, teen depression can lead to bigger issues down the road, including drug abuse and suicide. 

Teen Depression in Girls vs. Boys 

Teen Depression in Girls vs. Boys

Why is teen depression more common in girls than boys? There are a few key reasons: 

  • Puberty: The hormonal fluctuations of puberty hit girls earlier, increasing vulnerability. 

  • Coping mechanisms: Girls may be more likely to turn depression inward, while boys act out. 

  • Social pressures: Beauty standards, sexualization, and social media affect girls’ self-esteem. 

  • Trauma: Girls are more likely to endure sexual abuse, assault, and relationship violence. 

  • Stigma: Masculine norms make it difficult for boys to express emotion and ask for help. 

Compared to boys, teen girls do seem hit harder by depression. However, boys’ symptoms often go unrecognized and undiagnosed. Rates of depression for teen boys are on the rise, making it critical to watch for signs no matter your child’s gender. 

Supporting Your Depressed Teen 

Supporting Your Depressed Teen

When your teen is dealing with depression, your love and support mean everything. You set the tone for their healing. You can empower your teen to manage symptoms and thrive with compassion and patience. 

Here are some tips for supporting your depressed teen at home: 

  • Educate yourself: Read up on teen depression symptoms, treatments, and suicide risk so you know what to watch for. Become fluent in depression lingo. 

  • Open up communication: Let your teen know you can listen without judgment. Ask open-ended questions and share observations without placing blame (“You seem quieter than usual. Want to talk?”)

  • Help them help themselves: Offer support, but avoid trying to “fix” your teen. Empower them to actively participate in their treatment by exploring options together.

  • Advocate at school: Contact teachers and counselors at your teen’s school. Discuss any learning struggles related to your teen’s depression and request accommodations if necessary.

  • Stay vigilant: Monitor your depressed teen’s social media activity, texts, online searches, etc., for any talk of self-harm or suicidal thoughts. Apps like Bark can help.

  • Remove access to lethal means: Secure firearms, prescription medications, and any objects your teen may use to self-harm. Don’t allow unsupervised access until you’ve addressed suicide risk with a professional.

  • Get outside help: Seek support from professionals. Therapists, doctors, counselors, and support groups can provide guidance tailored to your teen. You don’t have to go it alone.

  • Help them form healthy habits: Encourage adequate sleep, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and abstinence from recreational drugs/alcohol. Depleted nutrition, poor sleep habits, and substance use worsen depression.

  • Make time for fun: Do enjoyable activities together to lift your teen’s spirits. Laughter and recreation strengthen your bond and stimulate feel-good endorphins.

  • Establish a routine: Help structure your teen’s day with regular mealtimes, wake-up times, showers, etc. Routines can restore a sense of control and normalcy.

  • Be patient: Progress won’t happen overnight. Ups and downs are expected during the recovery process. Offer reassurance that with consistency and care, your teen can get better.

You play an integral role in your teen’s care team. By partnering with medical and mental health professionals, supporting your teen, keeping them safe, and encouraging healthy habits, you help lay the foundation for their recovery. Your teen needs you now more than ever, and with compassion and patience, you can get them through this. 

Teen Depression Resources 

Teen Depression Resources

If your child is exhibiting potential symptoms of depression, prompt action is critical.  

Don’t delay in seeking outside support for your depressed teen. Many caring professionals are ready to help your child through this challenging time. You don’t need to go it alone. With consistent treatment tailored to your child’s needs, teen depression is manageable. The key is early intervention.

Teen depression is frightening for any parent, but it doesn’t have to be a dead end. By educating yourself on the signs, staying vigilant, keeping communication open, and partnering with mental health professionals, you empower your teen to move forward. There are always reasons for hope, no matter how dark things seem. With your love and support, your teen can come out the other side to lead a healthy, fulfilling life. 

Let Idaho Youth Ranch help your teen

Idaho Youth Ranch Teen Counseling

Teen Counseling

Our masters-educated and trained therapists and counselors have the experience your young person needs to find healing.  

Idaho Youth Ranch Family Counseling (1)

Family Counseling

Idaho Youth Ranch can help your family reconnect, open up lines of communication, and build more positive relationships.

Idaho Youth Ranch Group Counseling

Group Counseling

Group therapy helps young people, ages 9 to 24, to address trauma, dangerous behaviors, troubling feelings or experiences.

Idaho Youth Ranch Equine Therapy

Equine Therapy

Working with horses has been a proven method of emotional recovery and one of the unique services offered by Idaho Youth Ranch.