Fundraising for Idaho Youth Ranch
Idaho Youth Ranch provides critical services to some of Idaho’s most vulnerable young people. Fundraising initiatives and donations make an immense difference for Idaho Youth Ranch’s ability to reach more struggling youth. Your fundraising is an investment in individual youth that ultimately strengthens communities across Idaho.
There are three ways to fundraise to help Idaho’s most vulnerable youth:
- Create a peer-to-peer fundraiser online. Click here to get started.
- Raise funds through your organization or business. For example, a restaurant donates a portion of proceeds, a store donates a specified dollar amount per sale, or an organization hosts its own fundraiser such as a car wash, bake sale, etc.
- Collaborative fundraisers hosted by Idaho Youth Ranch or third parties in collaboration together. These tend to be larger events.
Step 1
If you are interested in raising funds through your organization or business or would like to discuss a collaborative fundraiser, please reach out to:
North Idaho - Kristin Ludwig:
Treasure Valley - Stacey Moody:
Magic Valley & East Idaho - Stacey Moody:
Step 2
After you have talked with Kristin or Stacey, complete the fundraising application form below. You will receive a response within 2 business days.
Fundraising Requirements
If you are going to raise funds through your organization or business, please read the following requirements:
Idaho Youth Ranch must provide written approval for all events using our name or logo, which you will receive after completing the above application if your event is approved.
All elements of the event should be consistent with Idaho Youth Ranch’s brand identity and consistent with Idaho Youth Ranch’s image as a place of healing and hope for youth and families who are struggling with mental or behavioral health.
Idaho Youth Ranch does not endorse products, firms, organizations, individuals, or services. Your event(s) must be promoted and conducted in a manner that avoids any statement or appearance of such an endorsement by Idaho Youth Ranch.
Approved fundraising events must be referred to as “benefitting Idaho Youth Ranch.” They may not be represented as “sponsored by,” “conducted on behalf,” or any similar terminology.
All promotional materials should clearly state that this event is raising funds that will benefit Idaho Youth Ranch and include the percentage or dollar amount that you plan to donate.
Any digital or printed materials using our name or logo, such as invitations, press releases, T-shirts, banners, or web pages, must be reviewed and approved by the Idaho Youth Ranch.
Liability: All third-party events must obtain all permits and/or licenses necessary for fundraising in the city in which the event is to occur, the sale or service of liquor, and the hosting of raffles and/or games of chance.
Idaho Youth Ranch has no fiduciary responsibility for your event(s) and assumes no liability for its planning or execution, including all promotion, set up, and staffing (including volunteers).
The role of Idaho Youth Ranch staff is to review and approve these events. Due to staff capacity, we are unable to attend most such events and cannot solicit sponsors or auction items for such events.
In accordance with our privacy policy, Idaho Youth Ranch is unable to provide any donor or volunteer contact information, mailing lists, or press contacts to third-party event hosts.
Third-party fundraiser agrees to obey all federal, state, and local laws and regulations in promoting and conducting their event.
If you are collaborating on an event, your event coordinator will review with you how your requirements may differ from the above requirements.