HFH 2025 Sponsor Header 1-3-25-1

Boise's Premier Gala Experience

Tickets for 2025 Available NOW

Unite for Hope is your opportunity to be part of a transformative evening that goes beyond the ordinary. This is where your generosity meets celebration, creating a night filled with purpose and elegance. You will create lasting change for Idaho's youth and families. 


5:30 pm | Cocktails, Raffles & Dancing with Live Music from The Soulmates

6:30 pm | Dinner Served & Program Begins 

 7:30 pm | Live Auction

 8:30 pm | Mission Moment & Paddle Raise

 9:00 pm | Dancing with more Music from The Soulmates

 9:30 pm | Finale & Thank You

UFH, Idaho Youth Ranch Gala 1

In our community. For our community.

Sponsorship packages offer your business exposure to an engaged and community-focused audience. Showcase your business to Canyon County's top advocates, executives, leaders, and philanthropists.

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Auction & Raffle Items

Feature your best.

Donate high-quality products, services, or experiences to our auctions or raffle. Your generous, tax-deductible donation supports our mission and offers a fantastic opportunity to present your brand to attendees.

For questions and event raffle donations, email:

Stacey Moody

Director, Corporate Sponsorships & Events 



Why Idaho Youth Ranch?

We unite for Idaho's youth by providing accessible programs and services that nurture hope, healing, & resilience. 

Idaho's youth are struggling, and they need you. Suicide is now the leading cause of death for teenagers in Idaho. Hundreds of young people are bearing unimaginable burdens of loss, adversity, trauma, homelessness, and fear. 

Idaho Youth Ranch offers a full spectrum of trauma-informed programs and services to help youth change the trajectory of their lives. From adoptions to career readiness to in-office therapies and complete residential care, Idaho Youth Ranch programs keep our young people safe and help them heal. 

By joining us at Unite for Hope, you are joining our mission to stand up for our youth. 

Why Idaho Youth Ranch