Employee Portal
Boise Fire Updates

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UPDATED 8.11.22
1. Are we still building the ranch?
Yes, we are moving full steam ahead. This is an incredibly important project that Idaho’s kids and families need. We have tremendous support from the community, and all aspects are moving forward. The fire did not impact this project.
2. What was the extent of the damage?
The external storage yard and covered overhang were all destroyed. We have lost all of the thrift store goods that were stored in the distribution center warehouse due to smoke damage. There was damage to the outside wall of the distribution center. As of now, we are hopeful that all of the buildings are structurally sound and will be able to be returned to service.
3. Who is able to work at the Nagel site?
We are not able to access any of the buildings on the campus including the development offices, the distribution center, the administrative offices, accounting the training center, and e-commerce.
4. When will we be back on site?
We are all anxious to get back onto the Nagel campus. At this point, our insurance provider is compiling the information to determine what repairs are needed and develop a plan to get back on site. As soon as we have a timeline, we will communicate that.
Our first priority is to get the distribution center back up and running.
5. What is the plan for distro in the interim?
The community is being very generous and supportive. We have identified an alternative warehouse location to use for a temporary distribution center, thanks to our partners at Interfaith Sanctuary. Our distro team is fully back to work at that site.
Please note: we are not accepting donations at the temporary distribution center, but rather utilizing that space to sort, price and distribute goods to the retail stores.
6. Are Treasure Valley stores able to accept donations again?
Yes, as of Sunday, August 7, retail stores are now accepting donations again, as the distro team is back at work.
7. What’s happening on campus now?
Our restoration vendor is on site. They managed the yard after the fire department was done, and are now removing the tons of debris. In addition, they are providing security. Our own drivers are hauling trash from the yard (from pre-fire) and distributing sorted product that was not impacted by the fire as well as other supplies to our retail stores. There is a lot of activity on site.
8. What are we going to do differently to prevent this from happening again?
We are exploring ways we might be able to configure the campus for enhanced safety and efficiency, so when we have the green light, we can move forward.
9. How has the fire impacted other projects?
Everything that was already in the works before the fire continues to move forward. There are some timelines that have shifted, but nothing major at this point. Staff are working extra hard with the additional work the fire has presented.
10. Is everyone still employed?
Yes, we have retained all of our staff and kept everyone employed and paid.
11. Do we know what caused the fire?
Due to the immense amount of water that was needed to douse the fire, the Boise Fire Department was unable to determine the exact cause. They classified the cause of fire as “undetermined.” They were able to rule out an intentional fire as well as several other potential causes.
What other questions do you have? If you have a question, it’s likely others have that same question. Please submit your inquiry to marketing@youthranch.org.
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We will send out employee updates via email and text messages. If we do not have your contact information, please fill out the form below.
Weekly Fire Updates - Nagel Campus
March 7, 2023: As we prepare to return to Nagel and the Development Team moves into Emerald, boxes and furnishing have been moved to individuals’ new spaces. Many details are being worked out, and we are still working on approval from the City of Boise to work in Nagel, so that will be coming soon. Thank you for your patience and continued commitment to our mission over the last 7+ months!
February 7, 2023: Belfor continues to work diligently at cleaning the warehouse, as well as the offices in buildings 1, 2, and 3. Thank you for checking in. We will keep you posted.
February 13, 2023: We’re moving forward! Belfor continues to work diligently at cleaning the warehouse, as well as the offices in buildings 1, 2, and 3. Thank you for checking in. We will continue to keep you posted.
February 21, 2023: Things are moving forward with the return to Nagel. Please watch the recording of the Monthly All-Staff Meeting for the latest update from Scott and photos of the cleaned space.
February 28, 2023: We are completing preparations for moving back into Nagel. ELT members are coordinating with their team members on specific preparations for our return. There are still a few hurdles to cross, but we should be back in very soon!
January 3, 2023: We continue to have no updates to report. We continue to work closely with the insurance carrier and our restoration vendor in hopes of having a plan soon. Please continue to watch here for more progress. Thank you for all you do to care for Idaho’s kids!
January 10, 2023: We are just as disappointed as you that we still have no updates to report. We continue to work closely with the insurance carrier and our restoration vendor in hopes of having a plan soon. Please continue to watch here for more progress. Thank you for all you do to care for Idaho’s kids!
January 17, 2023: Watch for a video update from Scott in the coming days!
January 25, 2023: It’s happening! The warehouse is getting professionally cleaned, prepared and organized, with the plan for Distribution and eComm to be back at Nagel by March 1. Please watch the video of the January All-Staff Monthly Meeting for more details.
December 5, 2022: No additional updates at this time. We continue to work diligently, meeting regularly with our insurance carrier. Please watch for more progress in the coming weeks.
We appreciate your commitment to our important mission and patience as we work through this!
December 12, 2022: Once again, no additional updates at this time. The conversations are ongoing with our insurance carrier, but we have no news to report. Please continue to watch here for more progress in the coming weeks.
We appreciate all you do to advance our mission despite these challenges!
December 19, 2022: No additional updates at this time – but we’re hopeful to have some soon! The conversations are ongoing with our insurance carrier and with Belfor, our recovery vendor. Please continue to watch here for more progress.
Thank you for all you do for our youth, despite these challenges!
December 27, 2022: No updates at this time. Please continue to watch here for more progress. Thank you for persevering, despite all our challenges. You bring our mission to life!
November 7, 2022: Some good news at last! The insurance carrier has given us approval to begin the next portion of work to restore the Nagel Center. Belfor, our restoration contractor, will resume work this week. Step one is to restore heat to the Warehouse and prevent pipes freezing in the colder temperatures we are experiencing. Next, Belfor will remove the remaining portions of the Warehouse and offices that were damaged by the fire and/or smoke, and then begin cleaning the buildings and contents to prepare them for our return. The timeline for this work is not yet clear, but we will keep you informed of our progress.
THANK YOU for keeping us moving forward.
November 14, 2022: Belfor, our restoration contractor, resumed work. They are restoring heat to the Warehouse and offices to prevent pipes from freezing in the colder temperatures. Next, Belfor will remove the remaining portions of the Warehouse that were damaged by the fire and/or smoke, and then begin cleaning the building and contents. We are focused on completing the work in the Warehouse first, and then will move on to the offices in Buildings 1 & 2. There is still no clear timeline for this work, but we are trying to expedite our return to Nagel. We will continue to keep you informed of our progress.
November 21, 2022: No additional updates at this time. We continue to work diligently, meeting regularly with our insurance carrier. Please watch for more progress in the coming weeks.
This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for all you do to keep our organization moving forward!
October 10, 2022: The insurance carrier continues its review of our contractor’s cost proposal for the next approved phase of work. We will receive a status report on this from the carrier at our weekly meeting tomorrow morning. Hopefully, we will be able to resume work shortly.
We are also waiting for the insurance carrier to respond to some specific questions we posed about our insurance coverage and how the carrier will calculate our losses due to the fire. This is a complicated process involving valuing the inventory of merchandise that was damaged or destroyed in the fire, financial analysis of our actual monthly sales since the fire compared to our projections of what those sales would have been if the fire had not occurred, and additional expenses we have incurred as we attempt to keep our businesses running as efficiently as possible. The insurance carrier’s forensic accountant has been conducting this analysis with Kim Thomas, our Chief Financial Officer, and should have submitted his report to the carrier late last week. Again, we should get an updated status on that at our meeting tomorrow. We are awaiting the opportunity to review and respond to the accountant’s findings and recommendations.
We will continue to keep you informed about the restoration of the Nagel Center. As always, THANK YOU for helping us through this challenging time for Idaho Youth Ranch.
October 17, 2022: We continue to be in a holding pattern. The insurance carrier is now reviewing and/or we are awaiting a response or information about the following items:
- Belfor’s (our restoration contractor) cost proposal for the next phase of work. The insurance company has agreed to the work to be accomplished but is still reviewing the estimated cost of that work.
- Belfor’s detailed invoice for the work performed mobilizing their crew and assisting the fire department immediately following the fire.
- Belfor’s detailed invoice for the work performed removing the debris and damaged inventory.
- Specific questions we posed about our insurance coverage and how the carrier will calculate our losses and additional expenses due to the fire.
- The report from the insurance company’s forensic accountant on our business losses.
- The report from the insurance company’s building consultant and engineer on projected costs of rebuilding the portions of the Nagel complex that were destroyed by the fire.
- A request from our insurance broker for the insurance company’s formal determination on specific issues regarding our insurance coverage.
We will continue to keep you informed about our progress in restoring and reoccupying the Nagel Center. THANK YOU for continuing your work serving our clients and customers.
October 24, 2022: We have made no real progress since last week. The insurance carrier continues to review certain items we have submitted to them for approval. They are also formulating responses to questions we have posed regarding our coverage. On Monday, we had a meeting with members of the leadership of the insurance company and we were able to voice our concerns regarding the lack of progress. We are hopeful that meeting will result in some significant movement very soon.
We will continue to keep you informed about our progress in restoring and reoccupying the Nagel Center. THANK YOU for hanging in there.
October 31, 2022: There have been no substantial changes this week. Please stay tuned, as we are committed to maintaining transparency in this process.
THANK YOU for your patience and understanding as we navigate this challenging process.
September 5, 2022: We had a productive meeting with the insurance company, its consultants, and Belfor (our restoration contractor) on Thursday 9/1. We agreed on the next portion of work to be completed by Belfor.
This work includes:
- Removal of all burned, charred, or disfigured material (including the collapsed structure on the east side of the yard and the east wall of the warehouse)
- Cleaning the surfaces of the ceiling, walls, and floor of the warehouse
- Replacing the ceiling tiles in buildings 1, 2, and 3
- Replacing the carpeting in buildings 2 and 3
- Thorough cleaning of all surfaces below the drop ceilings in buildings 1, 2, and 3
- Cleaning of the business personal property in the warehouse, outlet, and buildings 1, 2, and 3
- Cleaning and servicing all the HVAC systems and ducts
This work can’t begin until Belfor obtains a demolition permit from the City of Boise and provides to us (and the insurance company) a detailed cost proposal. We anticipate work will resume by September 19.
In the meantime, working with St. Alphonsus, we have arranged for temporary office space for our displaced Nagel team members. We are working out the details of our move into those workspaces, including obtaining phone and internet services. We will let you know the plan for moving affected team members as soon as we have the details ironed out. We are also considering additional warehouse space to store and protect accumulated donated inventory when the weather turns.
We will continue to share any new information with you as we know it. Once again, THANK YOU for helping us through this extremely unfortunate situation and for continuing to provide outstanding services to those in the community who rely on us.
September 12, 2022: No change from last week’s update. We are awaiting Belfor’s (our restoration contractor) proposal for the next phase of work.
This work includes:
- Removal of all burned, charred, or disfigured material (including the collapsed structure on the east side of the yard and the east wall of the warehouse)
- Cleaning the surfaces of the ceiling, walls, and floor of the warehouse
- Replacing the ceiling tiles in buildings 1, 2, and 3
- Replacing the carpeting in buildings 2 and 3
- Thorough cleaning of all surfaces below the drop ceilings in buildings 1 and 2
- Cleaning of the business personal property in the warehouse, outlet, and buildings 1 and 2
- Cleaning and servicing all the HVAC systems and ducts
This work won’t begin until Belfor submits its cost proposal and obtains a demolition permit from the City of Boise. We anticipate work will resume by September 19.
Many staff members who have been displaced from the Nagel Center are moving into the temporary office space provided under an agreement with St. Alphonsus. It will be good to have our team members together in a central location.
We will continue to keep you informed about restoration of the Nagel Center. THANK YOU for your patience and persistence in performing our mission despite the challenges we continue to experience.
September 20, 2022: No change from last week’s update. We are still awaiting Belfor’s (our restoration contractor) cost proposal for the next approved phase of work.
Belfor has been impacted by COVID affecting some of their key team members.
Most staff members who were displaced from the Nagel Center have moved into our temporary office space at
8757 W. Emerald St.
We will continue to keep you informed about restoration of the Nagel Center. THANK YOU for your patience and persistence in performing our mission despite the challenges we continue to experience.
September 27, 2022: No change from last week’s update. We are still awaiting Belfor’s (our restoration contractor) cost proposal for the next approved phase of work.
Belfor has been impacted by COVID affecting some of their key team members.
Most staff members who were displaced from the Nagel Center have moved into our temporary office space at
8757 W. Emerald St.
We will continue to keep you informed about restoration of the Nagel Center. THANK YOU for your patience and persistence in performing our mission despite the challenges we continue to experience.
August 16, 2022: This was a productive week in the clean-up of the Nagel site. Belfor, our restoration vendor, is about 4 days ahead of their original projected schedule and plan to complete the initial scope of work by the end of the day on Thursday, August 18.
Clearing of donated inventory from the Warehouse, Outlet, and Donation Drop-off Area:- The distribution area of the warehouse is now 100% cleared of donated items.
- Clearing of the Outlet section of the warehouse is about 75% complete.
- Clearing of the Donation Drop-Off section of the warehouse is about 60% complete.
- Initial cleanup work complete
- Need to restore electrical power and power up the rooftop air-conditioning unit.
- Proposal for the power/AC work submitted to insurance company for review.
- Belfor is making good progress clearing the fire debris from the east side of the warehouse, disposing of nearly 200 tons of material at the dump.
- Remaining debris has been removed from Phillipi Street, the temporary fence has been relocated, and Phillipi Street is now officially open. The county has been notified.
- Belfor has begun cleanup of the stormwater drainage system on and around the Nagel Center to comply with a directive we received from the City of Boise.
Personal Items: We have scheduled opportunities for staff in Buildings 1 and 2 to remove their personal possessions from their work areas this week (8/15 - 8/19). Click here for suggestions from Belfor on how to handle and clean your personal property. Remember to make a list of any of your belongings that you believe were damaged or destroyed by the fire or resulting smoke. Please include a description of the item(s), the nature of the damage, and the approximate value of the item and send that list to Rick Alis at ralis@youthranch.org. If possible, please remove and keep the item in case we need it to substantiate our insurance claim.
Next Steps:
- Belfor’s initial clean-up work should be completed this Thursday. We expect the insurance company’s consultant will return to Nagel ASAP to determine the scope of the remaining clean-up and restoration work.
- We have received a proposal from Belfor to complete the cleaning of Building 1 (the Development area), and Rick Alis is seeking confirmation from the insurance company that we can complete that work, allowing staff to return to that area.
Updates: We will continue to provide weekly updates on our progress on the Employee Portal.
August 23, 2022: Another productive week in the clean-up of the Nagel site. Belfor has completed their initial scope of work.
All donated inventory has been cleared from the Warehouse, Outlet, eCommerce, and the Donation Drop-off Area. These areas have been swept of remaining debris.
Building 3 (Accounting Area):
- Final wipe-down of all horizontal surfaces completed.
- Furnishings returned to offices.
- Power and air-conditioning have been restored.
- Area is ready to reoccupy.
- Fire debris from east side of the warehouse and the yard has been removed (over 640 tons and over 3,100 cubic yards of material transferred to the dump).
- Cleanup of the stormwater drainage system on and around the Nagel Center has been completed as directed by the City of Boise.
Personal Items: All Nagel staff should now have had an opportunity to remove their personal possessions from their work areas at Nagel. We have provided suggestions on how to safely handle and clean that personal property.
If you have not had the chance to remove your property, please contact Rick Alis to make arrangements to do so. Remember to make a list of any of your belongings you believe were damaged or destroyed by the fire or smoke. Please include a description of the item(s), the nature of the damage, and the approximate value of the item. Send your list to: ralis@youthranch.org.
Next Steps: Representatives from the insurance company were on site at Nagel Monday morning (8/22) to inspect the structures and work areas affected by the fire. We hope to have an agreed-to scope of the remaining clean-up and restoration work so that work can begin ASAP.
Updates: We will continue to be provide weekly updates on our progress on the Employee Portal.
August 30, 2022:
- Belfor completed its initial scope of work. All debris and damaged inventory has been removed from the Nagel Center.
- Representatives from the insurance company were on site at Nagel all day Monday, 8/22.
- They inspected the structures and work areas affected by the fire.
- They need additional time to compile the information they collected and want some additional information from Belfor.
- It is unlikely this process will be complete, allowing us to resume the remaining clean-up and restoration work, until around September 9.
- We meet weekly with the insurance company and its representatives and will continue to press for an expeditious return to the Nagel Center.
- In the meantime, we are looking at additional temporary office and warehouse space to allow our teams to work more efficiently until the Nagel Center is available again.
- We will share any new information with you as the situation becomes clearer.
THANK YOU to every member of the Idaho Youth Ranch Team for your patience, persistence, and incredible effort to get the job done under very challenging circumstances!
July 18, 2022 Warehouse Fire
On the afternoon of July 18, 2022, there was a fire at our Nagel campus in Boise in the IYR Outlet yard outside of the building. It spread very quickly. The buildings were all evacuated immediately, and no serious injuries were reported. Emergency services arrived on the scene within minutes, and the campus was evacuated. Details are still unclear as to how the fire started.
What's next:
We are working with a team of experts to determine the full extent of the damage, but it is clearly significant. All leaders are working with their teams to ensure everyone is working to the best of their ability at home or in an alternative setting.
The community has shown tremendous support for Idaho Youth Ranch. Compassionate individuals, companies, organizations, and civic leaders have offered their support in a huge variety of ways – from doing fundraisers to ensure our services continue, to donating space where meetings can be held and operations can re-start, to providing nourishment for the soul and the body.
Our community treasures you and the work you do for the kids and families we serve.
How Does This Effect You:
No programs were disrupted as a result of the fire. The Irving Street facility is not a site where youth and family programs are held.
Treasure Valley Thrift Stores:
Area managers are guiding the thrift store managers regarding if and when to accept donations. The distribution center is unable to process anything at this time. We will update our website and online platforms to inform the public of our status for accepting donated goods.
Northern Idaho, Magic Valley, and Eastern Idaho Thrift Stores:
Please continue to operate as usual.
Nagel Campus Employees (not including distribution):
Those who have the ability to work remotely are doing so. Staff who are unable to work remotely are working with their supervisors to determine how they will can help us move forward, and are being paid their usual wages.
Distro, Treasure Valley Outlet, and eCommerce Employees:
Your safety is our first priority. The warehouse and eComm centers will be closed while the facilities are assessed and plans are created to get us back to full operations. You will continue to be paid your full pay. Please check with your supervisor for the most current updates.
Can I post on social media about this incident?
At this time, Idaho Youth Ranch is responding publicly and through all media outlets including social media about this incident. Employees should not publicly comment or respond to the news posts as we will practice our value of transparency and share any information as it becomes available.
What should I do if members of the press contact me?
If media or members of the press contact you for comment, please let them know you want to connect them with the person with the most current information. Please refer all media to marketing@youthranch.org.
If you are struggling and need support...
We understand that this event has been difficult or traumatic for many of our employees. We encourage you to reach out for help if you need it. All employees and their family members have access to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is free of charge and completely confidential. For access, go to this link: Idaho Youth Ranch Employee Assistance Program
If this link isn’t working for any reason, please reach out to your supervisor or contact human resources at hr@youthranch.org. We are here for you.