Idaho Youth Ranch Blog

It’s Never too Late to Say Thank You

Written by Idaho Youth Ranch | Feb 4, 2015 7:00:00 AM

It’s Never too Late to Say Thank You

Last month we received this heartfelt letter from a young man who stayed at Hays Shelter Home with his sister more than a year ago. They had been living on the street. When they first came to Hays, they didn't know what to make of being in IYR's care and were wary of us, but sometimes It's the most challenging kids who make the biggest transformation.Thanks to your generous support, they found their way out of homelessness and into a future with direction and possibility.

Dear Hays Shelter Home,

I am writing this because I would like to thank all the staff who helped me and my family in our difficult situation. I am also writing this to apologize for all the dumb decisions I made while staying at Hays. I misled other peers who were staying there to act the way I was acting. I sometimes showed disrespect because I didn’t get what I wanted or because I disagreed with the house rules and expectations.

I am deeply thankful for all you have done, such as taking in my sister and me for the many months we stayed there. It took a long time for us to get a place [to live], but it would have taken even longer without all the help you gave us. Even though my sister and I sometimes were a hassle, you still were always there for us.

Hays was more than just a place of shelter for me. It was also full of good experiences, such as delivering Meals on Wheels, feeding the homeless, and volunteering for the Idaho Foodbank. I remember last Christmas when I was at Hays and it was the best Christmas I have had yet. I honestly really appreciate all you have done for me and the other kids who were there with me. You made life a lot easier and a lot less stressful for me, for example when you helped me with transportation to school and helped supply me with clothes.

I didn’t fully appreciate all that you did for me until after I left, when I saw it all from a different point of view. I feel I have come a long way in becoming a better person. I am changing my old negative values and beliefs and replacing them with positive ones.

Once again, thank you to all the staff at Hays for all you have done for me, and I am sorry for not showing more appreciation at the time. I know better now.


Jason B.