Leading Edge for Youth Blog

Heroes Among Us: Honoring the Vital Role of Teen Mental and Behavioral Health Workers

Written by Idaho Youth Ranch | May 8, 2023 11:06:16 PM

To those working in teen mental and behavioral health: 

May 6–12 is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week, and as a team we have witnessed the incredible impact you have had on the lives of our most vulnerable youth. We want to take a moment to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude for your work. 

You are the heroes of our communities. You are the ones who show up day after day to provide support, guidance, and hope to teenagers who are struggling with mental health and behavioral issues. You are the ones who work tirelessly to create safe and nurturing environments where these young people can heal, grow, and thrive. 

You are teachers, mentors, and advocates. You are therapists, counselors, and case managers. You are nurses, social workers, and support staff. You are a team of dedicated professionals who work together to make a real and lasting difference in the lives of teenagers who are facing enormous challenges. 

Your work is not easy. It requires long hours, deep empathy, and unwavering commitment. It demands that you confront the pain and trauma that our youth experience every day, and that you do so with grace and compassion. 

Even in the face of these challenges, you continue to show up. You continue to be present for these young people when they need you the most. You provide them with a safe and supportive space where they can explore their feelings, build their skills, and discover their potential. 

And because of your work, these teenagers are able to find hope and healing. They are able to develop the skills and tools they need to manage their mental health and behavioral challenges. They are able to build strong relationships and support systems that will carry them through the ups and downs of life. 

You are truly changing lives. You are giving our youth the gift of a brighter future, one where they can thrive and succeed. You are planting seeds of hope and possibility that will grow and flourish for years to come. 

As we reflect on the incredible impact you have had on our youth, we are reminded of a quote by Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Your work in teen mental and behavioral health is so much more than just the services you provide. It is about the way you make our youth feel: seen, heard, valued, and supported. You create a sense of belonging and acceptance that is essential to their well-being. 

We think about the countless teenagers who have walked through your doors feeling scared, alone, and hopeless, and how you have welcomed them with open arms. You have listened to their stories, held their pain, and helped them see that there is a way forward. 

We think about the parents who have turned to you for help when they didn’t know where else to go. You have given them hope and reassurance that their children are in good hands, and that they will be supported and guided through the challenges they are facing. 

We think about the impact you have on our communities as a whole. Your work helps to create a more compassionate and understanding society, one where mental health and well-being are valued and prioritized. 

We are in awe of your dedication and commitment to this work. It takes a special kind of person to do what you do, and we are grateful for each and every one of you. 

We also recognize that your work can take a toll on your own mental health and well-being. It is important that you take care of yourselves as you care for others. Remember to prioritize self-care, seek support when you need it, and take time to rest and recharge. 

As we close this letter of appreciation, we want to remind you of the incredible impact you have on the lives of our youth. You are making a difference every single day, and your work is essential to building a better future for all of us. 

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your work. Thank you for being the heroes that our youth need. Thank you for your compassion, your empathy, and your unwavering commitment to making a difference. 

As we navigate the challenges of the world today, your work is more important than ever. We are facing a mental health crisis, and our youth are among the most vulnerable. But with professionals like you leading the way, we have hope for a brighter future. 

We hope you know how much your work is appreciated and valued. We hope you know that you are making a difference every single day, and that your impact will be felt for generations to come. 

Thank you for your selflessness, your dedication, and your commitment to our youth. You are truly making a difference in the world, and we are grateful for your work. 

Leading Edge for Youth Team