When Is It Appropriate for Your Child to Switch Schools?
Your child continues having issues at school. Maybe they’re experiencing bullying, having a difficult time making friends, or they keep bringing home bad grades. Is it time to switch schools? Consider these variables first.
Safety Concerns
Depending on who you ask, school safety has varying definitions. That being said, if your child makes comments about feeling unsafe, you need to investigate their concerns immediately.
Additionally, pay attention to your own feelings. How do you feel about their school’s safety? If you’re not sure, you might consider spending some time on campus. Any negative impressions might indicate it’s time to switch schools.
Persistent Unhappiness
It’s normal for children to feel upset or frustrated at school from time to time, but if their emotions don’t change and they make continuous protests about their school, it’s worth exploring their feelings further.
Some problems have simple solutions that don’t require that your child switch schools. Other problems may be more deeply rooted and could require a new school or other significant changes in their environment.
Lack of Progression
Children should be continuously absorbing, learning, and growing throughout their education. If they aren’t progressing—or if they’re sliding backward—that’s something worth addressing. Start by asking your child what they think might be going on.
Failure to Address Their Additional Needs
In addition to receiving a quality education, many students have needs related to feeling challenged, having creative outlets, and having access to extracurricular activities. Some students also need additional support with their mental health or learning disabilities.
- The Notebook. (2018, December 17). What makes a school safe? | The notebook. The Notebook. https://thenotebook.org/articles/2018/12/17/what-makes-a-school-safe/
- What to Do If Your Child is Falling Behind in School. (2020). HealthyChildren.Org. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/teen/school/Pages/Poor-School-Performance-How-Parents-Can-Help.aspx